Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How is a battle axe gonna stop post farming exactly?

    7271. 7271.
  2. But seriously, I have a question,

    How come using a horn on RotWB gives you about 2 billion gold in end bonus, but using a Seal on HTE gives you only about 40-50 million in end bonus?
  3. ask the devs
  4. A battle axe will stop post count farming because it's a battle axe.

    Stop ruining the moment.
  5. crap that's a lot of spam posts
  6. You have my horn...

    And his bow...

    And his AXE!
  7. That was awesome right there.

    LotR is one of my favorite series, books and movies.
  8. And....derailed. :lol:

    Alright, bbl, I've gotta finish analyzing some experiment data before I find something else to procrastinate with.
  9. Ok...can anyone answer my question though?
  10. Fine lets get back on topic...

    Does the KaW community like LoTR? :lol:
  11. How do I reply to people?/Quote them?
  12. You quote like: [qoute="Test] Testing...1...2...3 [/qoute]

    (quote purposely misspelled)
  13. /quote=shadowstrike12
  14. Dang Test is supposed to have another quotation mark at the end of the word.

  15. or you go on pc and hit the quote button.
  16. Ok...just use this format, but insert name and text.

    [qoute="Insert name here"] Insert text here [/quote]
  17. Screw you :D
  18. Just kidding