Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Uhhh. Yes. Depending on their gold out. No matter what you make the same money even if they have 1b out or 500b out. If they have 1b out they lose a couple million, if they have 500b out they lose a couple billion
  2. Here is a bump before other people start making 1 question threads.
  3. Is anyone else having problems with the latest version of KaW crashing on iOS 6.1.5?
  4. Yea, and I'm on Android.
  5. When it crashes, send a feedback response saying that it crashed and you were doing at the time of the crash
  6. What's my post count? I'm too lazy to get my computer out...
  7. 2357 (above)

    2358 (below)
  8. -Narwhal

    Posts: 2357
    Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:43 pm
  9. Can someone tell me my post count?
  10. Shadowstrike12

    Posts: 1847
    Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:37 pm
    must beat shol

    edit* #winning
  11. Actually, I was gonna wait until the next few posters asked the same question and answer them all in one post on the next page :D
  12. We should make a thread just for this
  13. No, we shouldn't! That's exactly the kind of place that encourages post count farming!
  14. I'm less than 100 posts behind Bastion - I'll allow it this once. :lol:
  15. post count farming is bad :cry:
  16. Post count farming is dastardly.
  17. Ray I believe it was a joke bro
  18. I know it's a joke (/).-)