I don't believe so, but don't quote me on that. Ask UPC, he's probably the one who would certainly know.
One more question: My friend asked me a question that got me thinking real hard and i had no clue, so here it is. If you were to reset your device per say and then dowload kaw (your account would be gone) could you then link it to a computer and put your alt on their, then wanting to get back on your main reset device again, download kaw again and use ATA account to get on your main? Also an even more important question is this within the TOU? (It seems like it isn't but i don't directly see a voilation).
Inferno, petal, wabbsy, babycakes, eagle, Iphito and SouthernSweetie are in game mods. Moose and Acetown are forum mods.
Phoenix, why don't you just make a Facebook and then create a PC only account. Probably just a much effort as restoring your phone.
Well me and my friend were contemplating being able to use our devices for both accounts while not literally having 2 accounts on one device at the same time. My reasoning is because i have about 16 times more access time to my kindle than i do my computer.
Each account can only be connected 5 different times in one year, each time that amount decreases by one. After the fifth disconnect, your account will be locked from anymore devices and you will have to email support@athinkingape.com. I don't suggest doing what your friend is talking about.
They gave out very high ally plunder and cost a ridiculously low amount compared to other builds, they also his a very high hit range in war.
Adding to that, they nerfed the gh recently for the devs felt that players with such an easy pay easy war build werent growing, they hoped with release of t6 and HF lands this would change but the fact was, gh players were just refusing to grow and they weren't happy with this. They've also reduced it's hit range. They've technically only nerfed guilds lv4.