Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MissMelon, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    btw, translate that pic as a support mm.
  2. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    Both, dear god PLEASE
  3. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    Did he, Panda? And they still didn't do it? 

    I too will buy that many crystals! Lol
  4. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    Support! That would be nice! I hate seeing the tabs just build up there!
  5. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    Need to spread the word some more please for devs to take this seriously
  6. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

  7. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    Support - good cause
  8. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    Support, i was gonna make a thread about this, but im lazy as **** :/
  9. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

  10. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

  11. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    I would like to be able to categorize my friends. Just let me create my own categories, like organizing bookmarks in a browser. Examples below :)

    Folks I'm warring with now
    Good Friends
    Old Friends
    Friends I want to farm
    Friends I have farmed
    Peace Makers
    Widow Makers
  12. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    Thanks for the idea. I shall add it to the list.

    However I think at the very least they should be in alphabetical :p
  13. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    i agreee
  14. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

  15. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    I thought this would get more than 10 pages of support. I guess this is why they haven't changed it, because not enough people want it.
  16. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

  17. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    I'm sure there are a lot of PC players / linked accounts. It's just been a problem for so long that people have found alternative ways to eventually find who PMd them, eg switching out to device.
  18. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    id guess that most people dont quite have the extensive friends list you or i have
  19. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    True. We are just so popular.
  20. Re: Request Change to PC version PMs

    No support whats the point of having friends!!??