Re: Request Change to PC version PMs Thanks for the added input, HIF! Appreciate the support everyone. Feel free to make any extra suggestions though to how you might wanna improve the chat system.
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs I belieeeeeve, this needs a support. PMing is an essential item to this game. Whether it's PvPing/PvEing/Friends/Lovers/Clannies etc etc, messaging is definitely a staple in this game. Having players need a mobile device or a third party item to communicate shouldn't be needed. I support a better way for PC users to communicate within PMs!
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs I should say that they shouldn't need a MD or 3rd party to chat with ease.
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs Yes, I feel your pain. I sometimes just don't respond and hope it's not important. Lol
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs This maybe off topic, but I also like buying pots on PC, you have to type the number you want, not like on my idevice. At least make it an option. But I definitely support making chat more user friendly. SUPPORT!!!
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs Yes, that is a great feature on PC But yeah I'm hoping to just focus on changes made to the PC interface for now, or to the chat system in general. Thank you for the input though.
Re: Request Change to PC version PMs Totally support MM. Using PMs on PC requires an overhaul. Not very user friendly for chatting.