Daily Oracle Reward

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -_-F-_-U-_-, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Probably Been suggested before but have not seen any recent threads sooo......

    Was thinking about the little bonus that kaw springs into our pockets every now and then and thought why not do a similar thing on a daily basis. *AT THIS POINT I WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE DEVS TO TAKE A SEAT AND WIPE THAT SWEAT FROM THEIR FOREHEAD*

    Im talking about little perks that just well.... make you jolly.

    My idea is like a spin-the-wheel type scenario where you get a daily token/ticket and you get to have a spin on the wheel for a chance win. Like I said I am not talking massive rewards just little things along the line of a free crystal or 2.... some mith... free bill worth of gold and so forth.

    This could even be linked in with eb drops amongst other things.... Anyways just a idea
  2. Support Indy nice idea 
  3. Nice idea. Support
  4. I don't see why not!! It's even in candy crush now!!! COMPETITION
  5. Id love to see it in the game soon, support
  6. Support. Even just 500m more gold per day from this would make me happy. Here is a few choices of what you could win.

    •1 mithril
    •A max of one health crystal
    •3-7 nobility (random)
    •1 inferno
    •1 aqua
    •Free pots (would have to vary depending on which pots)
    •A slight strength boost (for "x" hours)
    •Free activated mith spell(s)
    •An extra ally slot for 12 hours
    •A few free bronze bars

    The list goes on...
  7. yeah exactly bro,... nothing big.. just small stuff and only small chance at something like a scroll or xstl
  8. Support. Great idea.
  9. Support! Great Idea!
  10. Support..... would be fun
  11. Because there were no spin machines in the midevil time xD
  12. Good thinking 99  SUPPORT!!!!
  13. Support, but provided they added something to the spinny thingy, that was negative too. Just for kicks, like you lose 500m 

    Most decent games have a feature like this, I don't see why kaw couldn't adopt if too!
  14. Grate idea hope the fat cats give it some thought