Arrow Volley

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kittastrophe, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Nice idea. But the attacker shd be known since u cant fire arrows w.o telling whre u are.. its not covert. U cant loot gold since ure far away. And u kill spies but not as much as troops since normally.. well spies hide while troops doesnt.
  2. Yeah this should so be added to the game
  3. I would like to ask how this would go into an epic battle becuase not many people hit the battle list today. I'm only asking this becuase some people would fear they would be farmed.
  4. It's still a form of attacking, you just don't get plunder. So in epic battles perhaps those needing pots to win could use the arrow volley instead.
  5. Sounds good to me
  6. Oh forgot to mention that the arrow volley would slightly increase chance of success over straight attacking.
    Not to the extent but similar to scouting versus stealing
  7. I swear I was just thinking this before I came into this section and found this lol
  8. What would the attack/volley damage ratio be?
  9. I think it should kill more troops since arrows would be hitting the front line (think of a movie with archers, they are always in the back)
    If it were to kill more spies it would be the same as an assassination so it needs to be different. Just my two cents but I like the idea
  10. I think it should effect spies only, that would balance it out. You are firing over the troops into the castle.

    Stupid spies are sitting on the battlements.
  11. Archers and ranged would be a pretty cool addition. It could be a third bar, with spies>Ranged, Ranged>troops, and troops>spies or something of the sort.
  12. It kills x percent of spies and troops, volleys don't particularly have targets so much as areas. If there's only spies, it kills only spies. Only troops it kills only troops.

    Whatever is a larger percent of your army is what the arrows would kill more of.

    As far as actual numbers I leave that to the devs l
  13. if devs implement i will convert build lmao 