The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I saw this. I'm here now. Your hopes came true, they came back. Is there still cake available in this cafe?
  2. I feel Like a generation has ended....


    I am kinda late, (although I've known for a few months now) but seeing Digimon go is a bullet in the feels....


    Nobody probably cares but w/e.
  3. At least it went out with a bang....
  4. Went out? Pfft. Still plenty alive. Though yes, it does have a certain bang.
  5. That's what happens when you are undercut by Pokemon and Yugioh, your fantasy adventure show suddenly disappears...
  6. Yu-gi-oh sucks lol

    The only competition is pokemon.
  7. Nay-nay, yu-gi-oh is far superior.
  8. Compared to Pokemon?
    I don't play any of them, but Pokemon wins hands down.
  9. how do you post a picture on a thread?
  10. The teletubbies win and even THAT show is bad

  12. A good rock Christmas song is Christmas Eve Sarajevo, by Savatage.

    If Anyone's interested.
  13. I would like to announce a meeting tomorrow.

    You're all invited and it will be hosted in the off topic section. (which is then on AT)

    I can't give any more details as it's a surprise.
  14. Hey all, so I need help with ideas for a short story that I'm required to write in my Honors English class. It's due in a week, and in every writing workshop I get, I've been stumped. I can't seem to come up with anything creative.

    All that I've been able to think of are one character and /maybe/ a setting.

    I would like to have the story based around pompousness or arrogance, and that one character is born into a rich family.

    The thing is, is that I have to incorporate so many things, yet, I don't even have a basic plot so far.

    Thank you all.
  15. Search up the game Dishonored.
    Get a summary of the game. It's violent, but the plot story is nice.
  16. Hush Dragonite don't bring your nerdy friends lifestyle choices to TWC