I've always felt that kaw needs a better pvp system. I we had a arena that had 1v1 matches that last 15-30 mins and a 1 xtal limit it would allow people to 'war' without having to collect a full roster. Or finding a winning war clan that will accept them. We could have more fights more often. And it would be easier to make matches for individuals (assumption). Winning a battle could earn you battle points that can be used kinda like nobility points that you can redeem for mith (no limit because it is still earned by pvp actions), xtals, and scrolls! Just an idea even if it's a limited time thing I think it would be fun
Or make it permanent but no season equipment. It can be an average thing like EE with no breaks. No crystal redemption. Mithril rewards only, and scrolls if the developers decide that, as they did say they would be implementing it as a PVP reward. It would be easier to war as any type of build, and veteran or new players could participate.
Keep in mind that the developers are currently working on or are testing out a new PVP system before it's release.
On what will be based the battles? Random or people similar stats? Rewards based on plunder or succesful hits? Think more about it...
BULL, if it was random how would a HFBC player fight an alt of 200k cs? You need to think. And I would advise plunder, like Estocs.
Bull I think it would be cool if it was based on CS, bfe, and bfa. Equipment changes would not b allowed after sign ups to prevent sandbagging. Nothing fancy just sign up and get a match. Something of the sort.