Black Friday "EB day" New "EB day" Waste 3 xtals in "1 war day" No bonus in Mithril payout from "WAR" No motivation to lose "3 XTALS" Devs, please explain your motivation to push kingdoms at war into a player v eb game? You leave us with no motivation to attack other players, because you gave us a rediculus paying eb. You ask us to war and use "3 dollars in health crystals" and don't dare to reimburse them because it IS A NEW WAR SYSTEM PLEASE make future adjustments to make the game more enjoyable for all kinds of kaw players- not just the "paying eb players"
It would be awesome if the next set of relics could be enchanted with mith after the scrolls. I also think someone should make a guide on the new stuff.
Maybe when all 12 equipment come out, assassinations would give a chance of dropping boot, helm and ring scrolls, attacks could be sword, off hand and trinket etc etc
I like the idea of makin the scrolls pvp base, but i was wondering if this is the first step ya are taking in bring non EE base wars back? It is pretty clear that if you dont have money to buy xstals, most clans in my experience, wont let you war. If would be great to have another reason to war that isnt selective to those who have a "big pocket".
So once again I'll ask, will these new items NEVER fail when try to enchant or ONLY on the first enchanting that uses the bronze bars and scrolls? Also, do scrolls only drop from hitting people or do they also come from the new EB? One more question, do you have an eta for the next new EB? Please reply admin. Lots of people are asking
I haven't seen scrolls drop from the new EB yet. The Devs said at the beginning it would involve player vs player actions to get scrolls, not the new EB