Scrag the Bloodless - Smoke Signals

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Ishtar was the Babylonian goddess of war and fertility. Don't make a bloodless male serpent named Ishtar.
  2. Nice payout. Thank you very much Devs. <3 •-•
  3. @Crazy

    Lol i didn't even know that.

    It was the first cool sounding name That I thought off xD
  4. If this pays better than HTE, and people stop doing HTE, what will this do to seal prices and use?
  5. Devs will make it drop seals, obviously.
  6. Re: Scrag the Bloodless -.... Smoke Signals

    This epic pays better than escape.....
  7. Where do we get scrolls to enchant?
  8. All I see in WC is smoke signals.
  9. [​IMG]

    Wow wow wow
  10. Great art ata! :)
  11. Everyone talking bout the $ from eb, guess they didnt read the thread for black friday. Its paying 2x for 24 hours. Lolol
  12. Scout bar regenerates, not sure how much or how often.
  13. Scout bar regins every 30 mins
  14. Scrag! I was wondering why my girl is late home.
    Plz clans slay the cold blooded fire breathing THING.
  15. @kaw admin- after you enchant with bronze bars for the first level of the new equip, do u use inferno and aqua after it or continue to use bronze bars? I am not completely sure as to what "enchant as normal" means.
  16. yes with aqua and inferno
  17. There needs to be a way people without Mage could get the better equip.

    It's kinda not fair :(
  18. @kaw_admin

    How soon will this be incorporated into pvp?

    This is gonna be a revolution for pvp, maybe it'll be kingdoms at war now!
  19. Maybe they could "hire" a Mage to do it?

    The price being relative to your stats?