Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW FOR THOSE THAT WANT TO TROLL HERE Honestly ppl give kaw_admin and the devs too much crap for what they seem to do which is communicate with it's players on what their input is and likes. No other game have I seen to date do the devs try to work the game you play to suite your ideas. Really, cut them some slack. If you can't, go find another game that is boring as hell and doesn't change for the good of the game and by interest of it's players. Does not matter how hard they work ppl have a knack for treating them like the devil even after they implement new ideas and answer to your threads. Creating a game of this magnitude isn't a copy and paste work ethic it takes a lot and when implementing new things is not just a throw the code here and it works. Variables gotta be replaced throughout and added, so lay off the devs. After all if it weren't for the devs, "you" wouldn't be here to begin with. Try giving them a hand for their efforts rather than tearing them down constantly.
Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW Kaw Admin -Please can we get an update on fixing the Clan Prestige Rankings for EE wars. The current system is broken. A simple solution is start every clan at 0 points then award 3 pts for a win, 5 points for win higher prestige clan, and -1 for a loss. Please fix this it encourages clan pride in warring and would encourage more clans to war to improve their ranking, and grow as new players will want to join higher rank clans. Please consider this the current ranking is disfunctional. Thanks
Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW I have to point this out... You guy spelled the title wrong. It is priority if it isn't plural. I AM SORRY I CANNOT HELP IT!
Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW @shadowwarriorofdeath: They are in canada. If im correct, like centre/center; they spell it priority/prioritie
On the Robin Hood tread On page 3, Gatinha makes very serious accusations against moderators. Are these accusations true? If KAW is going to exist their has to be fairness for everyone and Mods getting to use illegal items, is against the TOA and action need to be public and immediate. If you are interested in transparency, this needs to be first! This accusations have to be answered!
My two cents at promoting PVP Battle List: Make the pay so worthwhile that it will pay even better than an eb, considering pay on hit and end bonus as well. BL would have to pay double or so than hitting a player not on the BL. Hitting a player on the battle list (not a scout) will add 1 point of currency whatever, and 300 currency will get you so and so equipment piece. Hitting a player on the battle list will also give you 5 points towards your next Pvp rank, the highest rank being 30. (In a game called Castle Age they have a system like this, and works pretty well, highest rank is 21 and they are split into 7 tiers offering certain rewards along the way). Having a rank system will easily provide incestive to hit players via the BL once again. This system can be easily manipulated into kaw for providing equipment, like the higher ranks get the better equip like sword, offhand, legs, chest. OSW: This needs a little more detail, so that I can't simply farm myself with my attack alt and benefit from it tons. This will need the new clan system, forming alliances between multiple clans, facing off against a rival clan and their alliance. Hitting a player in a rival clan pays 30% more than normal Osw must hold more than 100 players total Winner will be decided by at least two admins/owner in every participating clan Winning alliance gets prestige points, mith, gold payout based on contribution My brain is going kinda blank now so feel free to bounce ideas off mine or critique my suggestions and examples.
Thanks team.... It's great to see you guys finally taking ownership and realizing this game goes WAY beyond just being a game for most... Thank You it's the little things that mean the most to us
Hey kaw_admin, I want to thank you for putting time and effort into this game and actually being part of the Kawmunity. I realize that all we do is whine and complain about stuff but most of us (I think I can say that) appreciate it. Again, thanks guys for being such awesome developers.
Thanks devs! Some don't appreciate that you are being progressive and always looking to change/evolve the game to make it better. Not everyone can be pleased. Keep up the good work!