basic guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ChelseaBoysIRA (01), Jun 7, 2010.

  1. Ok this is my first attempt so go easy on me lol once you complete the tutorial i reccomend u tear down the guild. After dat get someone 2 volley u up to about 200-300mill
  2. Then u must immediately join a clan for protection and help
  3. Ummmm, sorry but ummmm fail
  4. Oops didn't meen 2 post
  5. Ya…… nice guide
  6. Yea lol xD I shouldve done that a long time ago :p Sell the guild!!
  7. Yea lol xD I shouldve done that a long time ago :p Sell the guild!!
  8. When u hav joined ur clan use the money u got frombein volleyed nd build a forge then upgrade it to lvl 3 and use the remaining money on allies. U should then try some quests keep doing dem until dey become 2 difficult. By now u should be able 2 buy more land build another forge nd buy another ally now ask ur clan for an inactive 2 farm nd continue buying land nd building forges keep in mind though that u should always buy allies as these increase the amount of gold u get from battles. When u hav about 15 forges build a guil nd upgrade 2 lvl 3 continue to buy guilds until u lc  then upgrade guilds 2 lvl 4 1 by 1  now u can choose 2 take down some forges nd build guilds or upgrade forges to subs it's ur choice . Hope this helps nd pls no trolling tnx irish
  9. Ya I know it's crap but ya gotta start somewhere
  10. Pls post productive criticism
  11. Ok I guess it isn't good enuf for replys
  12. That was terrible lol
  13. Um good attempt, maybe start with spell check first?
  14. Needs more info on plunder and it's difficult to follow
  15. needs super awesome pics