Ok this is my first attempt so go easy on me lol once you complete the tutorial i reccomend u tear down the guild. After dat get someone 2 volley u up to about 200-300mill
When u hav joined ur clan use the money u got frombein volleyed nd build a forge then upgrade it to lvl 3 and use the remaining money on allies. U should then try some quests keep doing dem until dey become 2 difficult. By now u should be able 2 buy more land build another forge nd buy another ally now ask ur clan for an inactive 2 farm nd continue buying land nd building forges keep in mind though that u should always buy allies as these increase the amount of gold u get from battles. When u hav about 15 forges build a guil nd upgrade 2 lvl 3 continue to buy guilds until u lc then upgrade guilds 2 lvl 4 1 by 1 now u can choose 2 take down some forges nd build guilds or upgrade forges to subs it's ur choice . Hope this helps nd pls no trolling tnx irish