Kaw_admin's Priorities for KAW

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by admin, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Right now we have three major priorities:
    1. Better communication and transparency with the community
    2. Making player vs player more awesome -> more rewards (in progress), more competition etc.
    3. Making clans better -> clan roles, clan banks, clan items etc. we have a lot of ideas

    Please ask any questions here and focus on these issues. If you want to address the New Age Issue go here:
  2. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Give ATA some slack guys. They are at least trying to make the game better and all you guys do is complain.
  3. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Can you tell us what we can expect to see in clans in the near future?
  4. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    What do u mean by player v player more awesome? Eq rewards?
  5. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Devs last week you have posted game improvements such as new eb and equipment etc. but the thread was removed. Arent this improvements going to push through anymore?
  6. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    I'm very glad to see you guys finally responding to the community.
  7. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Clan banks and items sounds good. Please tell us more.
  8. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Stop beating the devs up. Maybe if you cut them some slack they would be able to improve the game.
  9. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Just wait until they come out with these awesome new updates and stop harassing them for answers like you guys always do lol
  10. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    clan banks? ...doesn't that defeat the point of nerfing volley transfers?
  11. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW


    Support? Yes/No?
  12. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    As far as the pvp can you make it pay more gold? I actually loose more gold than i make when using full pots. You just cant really grow that way and while pvpcn be fun why not make it slightly more profitable? At least make enough to cover the cost of using pots
  13. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    @ Kaw Admin. thankyou for listening to our very real concerns. I'm sure you and the KAW community would like this thread to be an open discussion between you and us about how the improvements you mention at the start of the thread can be implemented. I would ask my fellow Kingdoms to not troll this thread, please guys let's be constructive. Something really big happened today, let's move forward together, to make sure that all the players of this game, big or small, rich or poor can enjoy it, grow and feel part of the community.
  14. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Keep up the Good Work Guys AND Girls.
  15. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    How much longer till GH fix and new EB?
  16. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Whats the plans for black friday?
  17. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    I've said #1 for a while now and i'm genuinely happy you have been of late
  18. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Clan bank sounds fun i got and idea of what it looks like already ✔
  19. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Thank you for all your hard work ATA, might not like some things but you can never make everyone happy. All the work and improvements you try to do are appreciated and look forward to future updates and new features.
    Keep up the work devs.
  20. Re: Kaw_admin's Prioritie for KAW

    Reading all of these and will return but launching right now.