We are doing final testing on the change to the level 4 Guild. Please see this post for more details about the change: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=151076 The change WAS NOT in effect for this morning's matchup. Which means it will not be in effect for War #2 today. I guess CHAOS reigns for another war. The change will go live once the war ends. Thank you for your patience and continued passion for Kingdoms At War. update: dealing with New Age pushed this back. Not in place until after this last war today.
Re: GH Change Today i converted 8 guilds to sos yesterday, plunder went up 1-2m per hit, so I guess its already more, just after a few conversions.
Re: GH Change Today Look at total plunder not just attack plunder if you're talking about ebs. It's roughly the same until you get past the point where getting stronger doesn't hurt as much, then goes up from there. PvP wise.... steals need a huge boost. I can attack someone my size for 75m+ a hit, but steals only take 20m. Huge difference there.
Re: GH Change Today Why change the build? It cost more to upgrade and buy and it only gets 20 mill help from mith whilst main attack gets 25 and then spy gets 35 mill and main attack gets 45 you can't change this build because people hate being attacked its part of the game to fight each other! It is stupid how u put in ebs now wars are low and plunder got lowered and people got more babyish and cry when they loose gold! War was the best in my opinion!
Re: GH Change Today When are black friday sales starting?!? I thought kaw admin said 9 am pst. :shock: :evil:
Re: GH Change Today Itsali It will most likely be plunder from allies that will drop since guilds don't give plunder/hit like attack buildings. That or the bonus that comes at the end of the eb.
Re: GH Change Today I had a noob moment this war.. Lol. No match. So we had already started a eb.. So I left so it would forfeit and we could start TVP... Totally forgot I would lose the rancor spells lmao oh well lol. There will be other wars
Re: GH Change Today i swapped out 14 Guilds with lvl3 SoS n my plunder dropped by 7m a hit. But has gone up a bit as i add more lvl 3s
Re: GH Change Today Theres going to be way to many sos hansels running around theres not going to be e nuf room in wars for that many hansels build some plunder builds guys