Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. please tell us this is worse then waitin for Christmas
  2. @kaw admin
    When are you gonna tell us your black Friday deals? Almost every actual store told us their deals a couple days before black Friday.
  3. IDEA: BLK FRIDAY- Troop Regen 50% Faster.
  4. x3 seal drops and 50% more gold on haunting escape :D
  5. Able to buy mith at a discounted price more than 6
  6. Everything 3x gold
  7. Should do discount on everything n more $ on ebs at least as well n not just haunting BC some ppl arnt there yet
  8. IDEA: BLK FRIDAY- Troop Regen 50% Faster.
  9. 50% off buildings and land so gh can convert
  10. Able to buy unlimited miths at discounted price.
  11. I think most ppl want 75% discount on lands and buildings
  12. I think most people want to buy mith equipment.
  13. @^^

    Then I guess most people won't get what they want.
  14. X6 HAUNTING ESCAPE more seal dropped In haunting, free upgrades heee more items dropped . . Sale on lands and buildings . The more hits u do on ebs better gold pay out like x2 what u wood normally get , sweet thanks dev hope I didn't boar u to much c u.
  15. Seal and lands cheaper, and 2x escape
  16. Seriously, can we get an update? Usually deals are posted month in advance for Black Friday so people can save or buy, could at least give us 24 hours geez.
  17. I say 75% discount on land,buildings, market items
  18. Ftr devs. I saw that post when i opened the app n thought u gave me turkey day gift. That was mean trolling me like that.
  19. Do we know what the Black Friday sales will be yet?
  20. 10x better bonuses then fangs bonus.suggest 3 seals 6 crystals and one free land of ur choice
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