Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. 70-80% off lands/buildings
    70-80% more chance of successful enchants
    70-80% more drop rates/gold
    ^no cap on mithrill purchase
    70-80% off everything in market place
  2. Discount on lands
  3. Hunting Escape 50% more, not limited xtls and discount seal
  4. 50% faster troop regen. How active would u b then? 30minute full regen. Skimming in 10 min instead of 20. For all builds, all sizes, and no real world $$$ for us broke-ass KAW addicts.
  5. Wall me if u agree. Please support. Thanx
  6. 50%faster troop regen. Is this not fair across the board?
  7. What will we have for blackfriday?
  8. How about unlimited mith sales like you guys use to do for like maybe a 24hr period. You guys use to do them at random times... now would be a good one
  9. :D :D 50% discounts on LAND/BUILDINGS heheheh :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  10. Get Your next land FREE!
  11. A better drop ratio on seals ie at least 1 drop on all Ebs or 1 drop for every 10/20 etc active members with at least 50-100 hits
  12. Mith sale even if you only allow 1 item to be purchased
  13. 50% discount on xtalls, nobs and seals would be great
  14. A sale on equipment. All players possess lots of unused equipment now, let players trade these pieces in for gold/mith. Lets empty our kitbags of old helmets, rings and armour
  15. Don't make it unlimited crystals for 24 hours. We're already spending a **** load of money in real life during Black Friday. If it's unlimited crystals for 24 hours, I won't have enough money to buy anyone any Christmas presents this year. Make it cheaper upgrading for a day or purchase of unlimited mith. Really anything except the crystal idea
  16. Actually, make it so we cannot fail on enchanting for a day. That would be amazing!!! :D
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