Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. A few free xstals would be nice!
  2. How about a Mage that doesn't SucK at enchanting?
  3. How about ally refunds 100% back ?
  4. Yeah discounted buildings and lands half off
  5. Please unlimited crystals for 24h and 50%more gold in all epic battles!
  6. Lands and buildings half off(helps GH convert) maybe a couple free xtals and maybe like 25%more gold on all ebs
  7. Discount buildings by like %50 so GH can convert
  8. Mith sale, discounted by 75% and unlimited purchase of mith.
    Or as most have been asking. 75% discount on everything purchasable i the game.
  9. Idiot.
  10. Discounted buildings would be awesome 
  11. You should make it possible for member to pick the discount they want but they can only pick 2 like lands and building or bonus on gold plunder ,crystals etc..
  12. whatever you do, please provide some lead-time on your announcement. if it costs gold it would be nice to have a chance to bank some money before Friday. Sorry if that comment has been suggested already, 60+ pages is a lot to read
  13. My vote goes to unlimited crystal usage. It's a reasonable quid pro quo, not a hand-out.
    Thanks kaw_admin ️
  14. 3 free xtals please!
  15. Is Black Friday on Dec Friday de 13, lol

    - I prefer mith sale, maybe each person can buy 250 mith, so some can buy mith equip.

    - Discount on Seals of the Damned and Horns of Calydor.

    - Discount on Health Crystals and nobility.

    - aqua and inferno to sell at 90% discount, as most of the time enchant equipment alway fail, so if we can get aqua and infernos cheap, it will be easier for us to enchant our equipment.
  16. 50% plus on escapes
  17. why black Friday?... why not cyber monday?
  18. I like the idea to let us buy as many mith as we want for 24 hours.the land and buildings isnt bad either
  19. No fails using aqua n inferno!
  20. N as Friday_the_13 said...take the cap limit off mithril for the day
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