I'd say raise a couple of eb's to 3x gold, increase equip drop rates and put some discount on for folks who love to purchase seal/xtal/nobs ...That way all should be happy...
Keep buildings and land at normal prices. Make equip drops more regular, increase plunder from EBs . Make a few bigger paying EB 3xs gold . Seals and horns cheaper and drop more frequently. If you increase the amount of miths bought then that would be a good thing also . Maybe put miths and xtals as drops in special EBs with horns and seals.
Dear devs. Of course almost all players love it to get More Gold, better and more equipment and all this stuff. But i also fear that all of those news are accelerating the inflation More and more. Like the Price-dump of t4 when t5 was released. Im a bit worried that all of those news and changes will change the whole kaw-style and I fear That One Day the game will just be something totally Different... I just wanted to mention this before things come thick and fast. Cheers
Put the reset items on sale for Black Friday. You took them away over a year ago and said that you would bring them back.
Black Friday a day where company's offer amazing deals to the public in celebration of crossing over from the red line ( losing money) to the black line (making a profit). What would I personal like to see KAW offer their clients. 1. A reduced. Price on Seal of the damn, or nobility points in general, (let your customers choose how to spend them) 2. Improve the crystal offer in stead of the current buy 5 get 1 free, do buy 5 get 5 free, Now why buy crystals if there is nothing special to spend them on? 3 make haunting 3x haunting 4.5 over the weekend. 4. And last this is KAW, and there are a few warriors out there who just can't win enough wars to build up even a little mirth, So offer a limited amount of mirth between 100-200 at a 30-40% price. This would not be a stretch everyone could participate and the dev could get a nice Christmas bonus.
I agree with the mith sales; Let mith be back up for sale during the weekend, or even a day! No limits Decrease nobility amount for seals; 6$ is a lot still ... Maybe 1-2$ off :lol: 4.5x Escapes are also a good idea, gives us F2P players a bit of a boost still. Maybe sell a pass that removed XTAL limits over the weekend? Or doubles it? That would be a good idea.
This is a day designed for people to start their Xmas shopping and get great deals while at the same time it's for companies to start turning their 4th qtr profits into the black. Want to make everyone happy.... 1- How about no fails on enchantments? Buying aqua when you run out is ludicrous at the current fail rate but I'm sure KAW players would do it if they were ensured that they weren't just donating the money to the devs. 2- 2x gold and drops on all ebs- give us a choice. Black Friday is all about bringing people in the doors; in KAW's case increase activity and you'll see plenty of xtal sales. There is no need to make them cheaper, just make it worthwhile for your customers to buy them.
Ok best idea yet! Let's shake KaW up and give 100% cash back on ally dropped! Of course you need limits on how many can be dropped. Make them ones you currently own... or what ever. But let's have a chance to get rid of dead ally's and strip us some new ones! All them on OWS support and don't blink