Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. Absolutely support the 50% more drop on escspes. And why not have sales on seals and horns. Would consider it a win/win situation for ATA and KaW players; you get your money and we get our gold. And Black Friday is all about sales. Seems like an easy decision to me.
  2. 1. Unlimited mith sale for 24 hrs @ a discount. Only because season 3 of ee will have new equip,so mine as well let others have red paladin equip. This may entice them to war next season 4 mith to enchant further.

    2. 75% of sod, horns, xstal packs and noobs.

    3. 2 x's HTE
  3. Discounted buildings would be veryvery nice, expecially with this gh change.... and i agree with your idea, more cash from ebs.
  4. Discounted HR lands,50% more drops on HTE, unlimited xtal use for 24hrs,half price seal of the damned, I would be happy with this and devs would have a great revenue day
  5. More drops especially AQUA!! I had 5 maybe on 2 years! Ty !
  6. Half price nobs and xstalls with half price seals,
    Leave land and mith costs alone.
  7. Guild change after Black Friday!!
  8. 50% off all oracale purchases and 50% more gold from ebs. Sounds fair to all
  9. Noticed a lot of comments about half price Lands and Buildings...

    Please devs, do not touch these prices, having already bought all HF lands this would be ludicrously unfair on a lot of people who have already bought them all and equally as unfair to those who have bought buildings...

    Either make payouts bigger or cut the cost of monetary purchases.
  10. 50% off of hl lands and possibly even hf
    50% more chance of drops
    50% more chance of equipment not failing enchantment in mage
  11. discount on land devs
  12. No max limit on mith
  13. Defo a discount on land/buildings
  14. Definitely a mith sale! Limit it to 750-1000 mith. This allows mith for EE warrers and non EE can buy just a FEW items... Or one and enchant it to max... Hence not giving non warrers an equip or two but meaning theyre going to have to war to upgrade anything. Potentially get more people into war. And EE people may not complain as much as if you allowed unlimited mith. Everyones happy.
  15. 3x on regular haunts for a week to help rebuild..with 3x seal drops ;)
  16. 3% of EVERYTHING. Fair enough I say.
  17. Expanded mithl saleswould be great. obviously would have to cap that somewhere. But 250/1000 does sound fair. 1000 would be ideal, it would give none warriors a shot at some great equipment & current warriors the chance to max out some things & build back a small reserve after last season. It would also help bridge to gap between EB players & EE players this in turn would make EE more appealing & accessible to many. I would be great to see some new blood, so many I talk to are discouraged because of the initial disadvantage that would be at to start participating in EE battles at this point
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