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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Stronghold of Shadows. It's the T4 equivalent spy building. It can only be built on low and highlands and you need 25 lands unlocked to build it.
  2. Will a Level 3 Stronghold of Shadows give more ally bonus than a Level 4 Guild as of November 28th, 2013?~
  3. @CM: No one knows.
  4. Ok, thank you. I'm still contemplating on switching build.
  5. Yes, yes it will give more plunder.
  6. Ty
  7. A level 1 SoS gives more allies bonus than a G4. The issue is that SoSs are stronger and put you on the plunder curve quickly, which causes your plunder to drop. The drop is steep enough that you can see your Total Gold (plunder plus AB) decrease.
  8. Will I lose my EE from chaos wars.
  9. Last chaos war i was in ee didnt drop for leaving clan (but does on loses)
  10. How can i recover my old account? I been out of kaw for a while came back and saw my old account still active what can i do to go back to the old me
  11. If it is linked to facebook or mochi, you can sign in there, If not, email support@athinkingape.com with your situation and they should get it sorted out for you.
  12. Facebook, mochi, or ATA ID. If you have any of those, then you can just sign in using them. If you don't, email support@athinkingape.com.

    If you do have to email, I am seriously trying to save you time and effort - it's not worth doing it if you don't have any purchase receipts from kaw(you might want to look up how to get those). If you don't have them, I would say your chance from getting your account dropped from very high to around not possible. You could tell everything about the account in explicit detail, provide old screen shots, old friends, past owners, device, udid, what ever info - and they won't budge. I've been down the road quite a few times. Now I will lose my second account to force reset. ️
  13. How does on purchase a pro pack (Chaos Pack, Stealth Pack, etc.) with nobility points? I am on a iDevice, and I do not see an option to purchase with nobility points.
  14. You can purchase propack with Nobs on PC, but it changes what you get.
  15. 1. Connect to ATA or Facebook,
    2. Go to kingdomsatwar.com on a PC.
    3. Hit play and sign in.
    4. Go to oracle, all pro packs will be available with nobility points

    2 health crystals and 10 speakers for the $2 pro packs(20 nobs).
    6 health crystals and 50 speakers for the $10 pro packs(100 nobs).
    50 health crystals and 100 speakers for the $50 pro pack(500 nobs).
  16. Concur. On PC, they can be purchased for nobility points.

    Germanicus made a decent thread on pro-packs this past summer.

    Dig in.
  17. Does a level 1 SoS give more ally bonus than a level 4 guild? as of today.
  18. Anyone here an HFBC Attack Build or HFBC Hansel if so how much do attack builds make and how much does hansel make? Per hit and end of eb. trying to compare what I should convert to.
