How to spend your money(real) wisely (b2b escape)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Estkarka91, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. The reason why i m writing this is because there are quite a few new b2b escape clans, which to me... seem like ponzi schemes, but we will get to that part.

    A little bit of math.
    32xtals-20$ sod 6$each.
    Lets assume we are somewhat average player with 6b plunder per full unload.

    Option A you buy 4 seals (24$) and you find yourself a b2b escape clan which offers you 3*4 day visit for it (do NOT use all in first day). Let s say you are active player and can unload 16h worth of troops each day. Totalling @ 16*12*6=1152b +4*24(full item phases at seal use) =1248b comparing it to let s say tsg at 3b an hour. 192*3=576b. Giving extra 672b for 24$ which is 28b/$

    Option b you buy 32 xtals and 1 seal. Totalling at 26$. For which you ll get 3 days of escape+ item phase and there are a lot of clans which let you use 1 xtal each eb so there no problem in spending will get 32*6b=192b for xtalling (xtals alone produce 9,6b/1$) sealing will give you 48*6+24b(full item phase)= 312b and with xtals 504b compared to 3 day tsg you will earn an extra amount of 504-48*3=360b for 26 dollars.. which is 13.8b/$

    And no we will get to the ponzi part. Lets say average ppl does 10k damage to escape. Escape has roughly 470k "hitpoints" which is 47 unloads...for a non xtaller active person everything is excellent. You buy a seal, will contribute clan with 470k hp and will use it gradually in the next 3 days.

    Now the xtaller... if he d want to keep the scale in balance could only use 32xtals +16h worth of troops... 32*6+16*6+24=312b 1day of tsg 3*16=48b. Extra cash earned 312-48=264b for 26$ which gives 10b/$. So after a day the xtaller would have eaten away "his fare share" Which let s be honest none of the xtallers will manage.. and here comes the ponzi effect. 800k damage done vs 470k "given". I won t go into detail but you will notice used seals pileup in order to maintain b2b and once the bubble burst, biggest sealers won t receive b2b for which they have already paid for..

    And to sum it up... xtals can be faster extra cash earned but it will make sense only if you plan to do escape for the rest of your life... in any other case buying only seals gives a lot more extra cash for each dollar. 28b/$ vs 13,8b/$. And if you were to keep scales even and not create ponzi effect/ steal others share you will receive just 10t/$

    Not to mention that with xtalling escape lenght in larger clans comes down to 15mins and half of it s already seal users item phase... so 2/3 of the time you log in you won t be able to get the troops in. Which diminishes the chance to skim... which for my build can mean roughly extra 1,5b/h... so please come to senses people. Xtalling in escape is just NOT worth it...
  2. That wall of text is so beautiful. I wish I read it :roll:

  3. Try use paragraphs to separate your points, seems interesting just can't get my head around what you are saying.
  4. What the hell, did that just say?
  5. That's a lot of words bud
  6. I read it all. He said dont use xtals in HTE.
  7. Oh Great Wall of Text, teach us thine wisdom!
  8. I wrote it from phone i ll edit once i get to pc...
  9. I kind of sort of get it. He's coming at us with dem math facts.
  10. I prefer to just find a clan that doesn't kick me after 12 days 
  11. I tried reading that, and I couldn't after I read the 15th spelling/grammatical error. Please, at least proofread your future threads.

    FYI all my foruming is done on a phone, so no excuses allowed.
  12. Only math I like is a 280lb wall of woman. Wait what's math?
  13. Hm... What if I do both seals and xstals?

    This being if I had the $$
  14. The extra added value from xtals does cost 3times more than original extra cash earned from seals. (In b2b escape clan) so if you have deep enough pockets to buy 10seals a month for extra 60$*28=1680b you could spend extra 20$ for additional 192b... (+ the original 48b a day totalling at 1440b)
  15. I just change my ring tone to the thong song by sisqo
  16. Seems logical, no xtals on HTE,

    1. HTE would last longer (making it cheaper to maintain a b2b HTE clan)
    2. If your math is correct then yes seems like buying seals is the way to go
    3. Even though Xtals are profitable, a well maintained HTE clan is better.

    Just my thoughts
  17. I said 1 xtal per eb, but when you have 15 min escapes you can get 24xtals used in 1 day quite easily... so you might say max xtal instead...
  18. Your math is flawed. Assuming a full unload on an "average player" is 6b. Is a far stretch. Assume much lower and closer to 3.5-4b (counting ending bonus).

    Also item phases don't pay as well per hit that a attack/assassinate does. So again your math is flawed in the assumption of total earned.

    Thirdly a 16hr day does not equal 16 full unloads. Most players have at least 1 balanced building to give them a 70 minute regen time. Even then a perfect 70 minutes doesn't mean you'll be fully regen. So assumption for time sack should be 65-75 minutes.

    Also 16hr of kaw. Really? For an average player? Really? That is moving closer to "professional" kaw playing time frames. For an average player I bet 8hours of unloading would be a good day.

    TLDR. OP math and logic is flawed.