50% more gold to HTE isn't exactly a "sale" though. But it was the only suggestion that at least would benefit non paying members also (that's if theure lucky enough to be in a clan that has people that DO buy them or lucky enough to get a drop). Otherwise I like the idea of having a sale on the price of the seals. Another suggestion I think would be to reduce the cost of buildings for 24hrs. Maybe 25%? Since 50 is A LOT
Or, take off the cap of mithril so that I can buy mithril and buy equipment Or make EBs drop mithril for a short time. But that might upset war people...
With all the recent and upcoming changes to EE and GH I really like to see 100% return to building sales. And in addition to that anything that benefit everyone like free xtals, discounts on oracle products or stuff like that. Ooh oh oh...and and and a limited time where enchants can't fail would be awesome
Money off SoDs be good. Screw the GH u get the buildings back at value their worth. (Before you all ***** I converted a 9mil spy build to GH for s2 so I'm in same boat.... Was our choice!) Devs great plans upcoming really looking forward to kaw. Allow a sale on mith. Make it real money for all I care in fact probably best to... At a reasonable price for Black Friday... Or Xmas. That would be he'll of a sale I assure you Reduction in aqua and inf price? 50% extra in HTE. Lets have it all were your greedy subjects lol. Mostly.... When's it happening?? It's Friday already!! Lol your impatient subjects lol
Dont do no limits on health xstals... God dont do that. Discount nobs/xstals is brilliant. Do that. That will make seals cheaper for the day.
Why not fractals? Don't we want to make that guy with all those resets and 2k crystals happy for a day? All he will have to do is hit the repeat button 136,400 times and he would be rich.
i would support an unlimited mith sale. perfect gold sink, and a 1/2 price seal and horn sale. its all about the commercialised holiday season right? maybe support for a no fail enchant for equip
My favourites would be 1. No limit on purchasing mithril 2. 1/2 price crystals 3. 50% more gold on escape/revenge 4. 1/2 price seals