everything!! :-0 - 50% price for crystal purchase and nobs or 100% more with each pack. - pro packs 25% off - nob to gold 25% more - lands and buildings 25% off - pots half off - enchanting costs less - mith sale(because we haven't had one in a year! ;-( ) - no spending limit - no xtal limit - more gold on all ebs - more gold PvP - give us all one of those cheap items like the amazon customers got! I want something cool to remember this glorious day in which my kingdom will sprout.
24 hour Sell Buildings for 100% <<24 hours only>> . Calm the GH down and give people a chance to fix/reorganize their builds. The OCD player in me would love to move that spy building just 1 spot over. :lol:
50% gold increase in Hauntings Escape 50% off costs of seals, horns, crystals, nobility, mith Escape drops atleast 2 seals every time it's ran for 24hrs Just some ideas
Black Friday is the craziest time of year because that's when people get their product at a tremendous discount. Black Friday is not meant to make the stores money but to get rid of a lot of merchandise and make many sales on things that are not normally purchased. It's the consumers who come out on top which is why in every store people camp out for days not because they save a buck or two but because prices are ridiculously low. That is why it's only help once a year with limited quantities. Now to translate that into kaw you would need to drop your prices in marketplace by 50-75% because you are also competing against other stores who have lowered there prices so you want your customers to spend there money here not somewhere else. Now I would never spend any money on crystals. I think that it is too expensive but then again that just me but if for black friday you were to make a 50-75% discount then I would definitely spend the money because I'm the one who's getting the best deal possible. It's not about how much the stores are making as I know some of u will point out. Well that's my two sense on the matter. HAPPY KAWING
Half off of health crystals But forsure i like a price drop for seals. Say like 29 nobs instead of 59
Wow, well black friday special for me would be cheaper lands and all building cost reduced. How abkut a no crystal limit too?
50% building price cuts, mithril on sale, more aqua/inferno drops, 50% more gold on escape, more seal drops from more ebs
Kaw_admin, 1. I would like to see a drop in inferno prices and higher drop rate along with it for Black Friday. 2. SOD for let's say 26-29nobs 3. An exclusive purchase choice for nobs and xstals. Maybe 7for $4 and whatever singular sale you want. 4. Give a every user on that day 3seals for escape? 5. A small decrease, if you would be kid enough, for buildings cost. Thanks for the deals! Bosque~