10 person wars

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by wrest, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. We should have 10 person wars.
    Why? because more people can participate.

    In order to ensure even closer match-ups, require that all participants have unlocked a certain portion of the lands. If people complain about cs inequality, they should maximize the use of their lands better (i.e. guild hansels will fail).
  2. You need to loose prove ledges to this section.
  3. OMG auto correct... Privileges
  4. in b4 "moving to other kaw discussion for further community feedback"
  5. Already discussed with multiple people. Negative nancys
  6. Lack of effort. Boring. Misspellings. Redo this then MAYBE post it.
  7. Mwahaha and we have 10 person wars
  8. No support put some thought into it next time or at least give us a good thing to talk about
  9. Out of curiosity, how much thought must go into 10 person wars?
    Have them. Simple? Thought so.