
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xx_lIxll_ShadeSlayer_IlxIl_xX, Nov 15, 2013.

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  1. @Kaw_Admin: I've noticed many players - self included are very disappointed in season 2 and think that season 1 was better. Honestly you should consider doing season 3 and weekend wars with same format as season 1 the BFA match up worded better. However include BFE to the matchup and make some of the wars advantage. Also - there is still a GH problem and as I proposal why not make it where all accounts pay a set minimum of say 50m a hit for ee only. Also keep it where EE lvls are not lost for leaving clan. Please respond 
  2. You should put this on KaW's wall instead.

    And follow him and wait for a follow back before posting more threads
  3. Why can't you just email them?

  4. Locked
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