Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief you can donate directly to the red cross if you want, it is ATA who is making the donation to them not you, you are just giving them money to ata to donate (if that makes sense). ive already made my donation to the redcross directly and i will take part in this as well. Glad to see the devs getting behind another disaster relief effort ️
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief This is why I hate seeing players call ATA greedy. Devs are good, charitable people!
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Bless you devs!!! I showed my mom and she finally agreed to buy me some health crystals
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief I am glad to see the devs doing anither chairitable event. Expect my purchases this weekend. Would be even cooler if I get to see ATA out in the Philipines when I leave with Red Cross
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief *Philippines lmao epic fail. My fault for not using auto correct
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief I already had some xtral so do I just need to use my xtral or do I have to purchase xtral again in order to participate???
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief It's all the proceeds from Xstals that are purchased over the weekend.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief I didn't think they'd do this... Usually the begging from whiners doesn't work.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Great motivation to buy more xtals! Thanks devs. Let's hope we can raise a lot!!!!
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Not quite sure why ATA's decision to donate all xtal purchase proceedings done this weekend attracts that many haters. It is a donation from ATA, not sure I would call it a donation from players. By announcing it and handing out a badge, ATA gives us the opportunity to time our purchase so that it will go into the relief fund. Most people getting this badge would have bought xtals on a weekly/monthly basis anyway, but ATA motivates buyers to place their purchase this weekend instead of a random date. Players, you aren't in fact donating anything (except if you'd never ever have bought xtals otherwise), and you are still free to donate directly through NGOs in addition to your regular xtal purchase. Respect to ATA for that decision!
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief I'll be telling my clan to buy xtals this weekend if they planned on it
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Can the purchase of "the seal of the damned" be included