Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Alycone, hurricane Katrina was well before the time of ATA, twister in Oklahoma doesn't even compare to the Philippines
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Jen, it's all about the badge. That is, if you don't give two gold pieces about other people. Though don't worry; I am not a heartless player. I have principles. Such as no cats on my lawn. But besides for that, I commend for making this hard decision. Kick ass, Devs!
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Still do not see why we cannot donate on our own. Why does it take a shiny little badge and some health crystals to motivate someone to donate? When you donate to a cause the only thing you should get in return is the feeling that you did something good. You should be humble about donating, not showing everyone that you got this little badge. Hate on me if you want, but it's what I think.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief I would donate but apple ****** up my purchasing ability now I have $15 on iTunes just sitting there
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief What about nobility points? Can't get to xtals for a while..
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Everyone please support. I'm assuming that basically all the money from the crystal price (except apples cut) is going towards the Red Cross since crystals don't actually cost anything for ATA to make.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Alcyone. Katrina was a long time ago... That's pretty much a nonsensical question.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief QuickSilver. I love that input that you're rocking right thar. Makes yee look mighty heroic!
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Im gonna have to agree with fruity cats on this. People getting motivated over a badge and xstals to donate.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief True i want that badge but i really was looking for a way to do some donation and i finally found one, even if we dont get the badge, i'll still donate
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Terra dev say in the main post all proceeds go to Red Cross. So I'm assuming they won't commit fraud.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Amazing, hand people a badge and use their money for charity and they become greatly concerned citizens.
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief you know we hate you sometimes devs, but this is just one of those things that has no bad side. props
Re: Battle for a Cause - Typhoon Haiyan Relief Well done ATA!!! And our hearts to everyone everywhere affected buy such catastrophy <3