Friends List

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _Sapphyre_Blu_, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Hi Devs and all of KaWdom
    Just wondering if there was anyway that you could develop some sort of notes section in our friends list, I have that many people that I can't keep track of and forget where I met them or how, (age is a killer on the memory) so I just thought that if it was possible maybe, to be able to put a note on their banner, that only shows in our listing, of whom they are. So when we look at our friends list, instead of seeing what their banner says we can see what we've written on it..sort of like if we were putting notes on the back of their banner, friends can see the back and everyone else sees the front message put there by the owner...just a thought
    Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I know what I mean, just might not be explaining it very well 
    Thanks for reading 
  2. That's an awesome idea
  3. Great idea!! :)
  4. Bump. Needs work though
  5. I like it! I always forget...
  6. I love it!
  7. Love it. Support
    That would help me be better organized and make the game a little more personal.

    Id also like a note page in my profile like gaw has.
  8. Use their banner as a business card. A space for filing a personal note to self about a friend. I like it. I was away from KAW for 6 months. So many names changed I had to guess who was who.
  9. Love the idea, it should make it alot easier to know who it is eventho they have changer their name. I like it sexyhelion:*:*:*:*!!!
  10. Great idea! Support
  11. I love the idea. I was follow ppl that i meet and after a while i forget why im following them and then i.ungollow them. Plz i want this!
  12. I like this idea
  13. Support 
  14. Support 
  15. Thanks for all the support so far 