Spy Quests

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by XlIlx-Infinity_Awaits_Us-xlIlX, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. I was sitting down doing an epic battle, and all we were doing was attackinG. So I was thinking... if we are doing a even that's majority spying, we have the soldier quests, but also have another .tab for spy quests when on needs to unload there spies without farming someone else.
  2. It would be very convenient
  3. I had the same idea and post it a few days ago, same like many, many othes in the last few weeks! Good idea, but Dev's won't react and won't do anything against this (our) problem! :-( Sorry bro!
  4. want spy quests hit battle list or random people off world chat
  5. That wood b grt
  6. This is a long standing request. I support spy quests in general but, this requires a scaling effect in the game dynamic. Currently hansels and spy builds hit "bigger" than attack builds. My question is "if land complete/build complete attack builds are to be as successful hitting spy quests as spy builds are hitting attack quests, would this hurt spy builds?"

    My suspicion is yes. The overall strengths would level out in a way that would be detrimental to spy builds in PVP situations. Essentially spy anemic builds would hit bigger than they should. Is this an outcome you really want?

    Ive reset 21 times and tested as many builds. I'm not naysaying, just saying.