Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. All allies for sale!!
  2. all mine are for sale.
  3. One active ally. Sirhayden.
  4. Allies from 100b-820b active
  6. Pls buy my ally
  7. Selling active 90bil attack build with 1.4mil cs, 25bil new active player with 70k cs and two inactive 13bil allies.
  8. Allies 4 sale :)
  9. My ally is my rl friend me and him are active as much as possible and i would like to sell him so i can buy a diff rl friend please help me out
  10. Smurfin_you
    4.3M Cs Hybrid
    225B - Very active!
  11. ive got all sorts of allies for sale
  12. Ally trader, feel free through my allies, all will have less than 90 days played and very active with huge growth.
  13. MY allies are always for sale. Well at least okay this account they are.
  14. On* dammit
  15. All my allies are for sale. They range in price from 16 to 57 bil. I'm not a trader and there is nothing wrong with them, just want a few less higher priced ones. Thanks.
  16. Buy me very active and will talk In ur Allie chat need a good ally press my name and then press hire
  17. Hire mak diddy heis very very very active
  18. My active allies are all good price and good value. Feel free to shop.

    Just ignore those overpriced ones which I hired during strips. ️
  19. ALLIES FOR SALE 7 Bill and great stats Ty ahead of time