Thoughts about an 'unload' button

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Squeal, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. I think that if this WAS implemented, there should be something like a 30% tax taken off of the amount of money earned after the unload. There has to be some sort of drawback, or else you'll see people logging on for 10 seconds every hour, and not contributing anything to cc, forums etc 
  2. That works too  
  3. I cannot support. If you cannot take one min per hour to unload your troops, you don't deserve the cash
  4. Well about the Repeat Action button I think it would be nice if when doing eb it would be in the middle of the screen or something because it's quite annoying trying to hit items as quick as you can and you click. on the wc and have to do it all over again. Just my 2 cents worth
  5. Op this has been suggested many times. If an item phase came up in an eb youd be screwed. If it wa possible to stop the troops from attacking when item phases up i might... Might support it..
  6. Speaking of item phases, it totally kills the potential of regenerating bars. Being able to take a bar down that has a 2 minute regen and then everyone xstals and clicks unload all just defeats the purpose of the regen bar. Especially for item based regen bars.

  7. So y'all r putting too much thought into this thing.
    Hit only when 100%
    Only on Ebs
    Take a risk of losing if u kill all.
    Easy as hell
    Don't use it if u don't want to
    Pocket hit like moose 50 times up-sleeve style
    Get carpo tunnel repeating action if u want or.... Just take chances on unload in emergencies only.

    I vote yes to having the option. I don't even care what odds. It would be fun.
  8. Dump all pots button too! Perfect for haunts :D
  9. No... Will not happen.
  10. I agree with op, I want more ways to be lazy. I remember fondly when the repeat button was first introduced and I yelled "this doesn't go far enough!" Now you propose the unload
    all button, again I will yell "Not far enough!"

    I propose a magical button that will repeatedly unload my troops on eb fully every hour on the hour.
  11. I support for an unload button on ebs only. Having an unload all button will be much more convenient than a repeat button.
  12. I love tacos and I support this idea.
  13. Posted with an alt cuz OP knew this was ****
  14. So what if it's lazy...Make it more lazy plz! My fn thumbs hurt trying to tap 50 attks in the mall behind a clothing fixture at macys while my wife picks out a new set of gd whatever trying to not get busted playing vids on my phone... One push button kill all unload plz so my wife won't ***** at me the entire way home for not paying attention to her new gd wtf ever she just bought. ONE PUSH...EMERGENCIES ONLY... FAIL RATE INCLUDED.... Don't use it if u don't want to. Holy crap easy as hell.
  15. ^still no.. you're relationship issues are no reasons.
  16. Support. It would mean more hits while I'm at school or just out.