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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Been away for quite a while. Can someone tell me what fangs are and how to get them please?
  2. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=148234
  3. You probably shouldn't answer questions that you don't know that answer to.

    Yes, you can get both nobility and health crystals after full mastery. Nobs are usually 1 in every 100 (for me), and crystals (for me) have been 1 in every 10k. I'm approaching 30k total quests done across resets and and accounts, and have only gotten 3.
  4. People would complain that "the rich get stronger as the weak get weaker" and "it's no fair for the smaller players" etc etc.
  5. Not to forget that it actually makes you work for the rewards.
  6. At EE as a gh, should I have dp or no dp?
  7. SDP - yes
    DP - no
  8. Thanks res 
  9. What do I gain from enchanting my head, hands r earphones?
  10. You get a small boost in stats at the risk of resetting back to base stats(some pieces can't be reset).

    ★Equipment Enchantment Guide★

    By the way, I apologize it's not completely finished. I have been slacking.
  11. Thx for responding.
  12. Is origins dropping fangs?
  13. Why do i get charged more than the price of xstals and nobs?
  14. Because your a noob Shaun :lol:

    Or maybe the devs don't like you :O
  15. How does babies come? :lol:
  16. In the sleeping giant I get graves why I can't c it in my profile?
  17. Best way to transfer gold?