Epic Battle Roster

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ZeroGravityAmongStars, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Hello forumers! :D This is my first attempt at posting a thread, so please bear with me. This is an idea I have thought about often, especially when time left on an epic battle is wearing thin.

    What if we had a counter that updated the number of hits from each member in a clan's epic battle?!? :eek:

    How would this work and what is it?

    When warring, on the war roster there is a list of members in decreasing order of plunder earned along with number of successful actions. Why can't we have this feature in epic battles too?

    Before people say there's a battle log button that allows you to see who's hitting if you scroll back enough, remember on bigger EBs you need 90-100 regular actives. That can become extremely difficult to track.

    There are cases where someone joins an EB and only gives 1 or less unloads on a 6 hour EB. Say there's 1-2 hours left and you're on the last phase and need one final boost. Wouldn't it be nice to see that guy who only has 30 actions in the past 5 hours? With an epic battle roster you can!

    Does your clan have a no crystaling policy on Haunt Escapes? Or perhaps you wonder about that guy who told you they'd max xstal on the EB if you let them in? Or maybe you are just wanting to keep a closer activity check on members?

    With an epic battle roster all of this can be put to efficient uses by owners and admins.

    It would update every 15 min like war rosters. And if this idea is taken but the whole roster is not used, perhaps a hit counter could appear next to the
    "Active" status in the clan members list.

    I don't believe this would change gameplay for the worse OR be able to become an exploit in any way. (If you can find something be sure to point it out)

    That's just my jots and thoughts. Feel free to add to, criticize, and revamp anything mentioned above. :cool:

    **update and disclaimer**
    Apparently war roster no longer updates number of actions until the end of the war. But the proposed EB roster would. Also 15 min is just a suggestion and is open for change.
  2. First, I'd like to see additional layers of "rank" in clans. (GuestMemberAdminCouncilOwner) Of course, to distinguish these new orders of rank, the clan member list would need to be tweaked (needing a check box or something similar to distinguish rank).
    Have this activity information (from the original post) available to clan Owner and Council *only* since they should to be the ones responsible for this wealth of information. From there, they can filter the list to account for different variables. (Again, the clan member list would need to be tweaked to allow members to be flagged as Council, Admin, member and guest to allow the filtering) This list could expose freeloading guests and underperforming perms. To be fair, it would be difficult to account for time zones and impossible to account for real life busy situations... and we all have those days.
    A downside to this could be individual drama (why was I kicked???) versus the upside of improving clan efficiency by not carrying as much deadweight.
    Only allow Admin/Owners (if rank system implanted only higher rank Admin/Council) to be able to see this feature.

    The only downside I see to to this is members who would annoy those ranked in power wanting to know their hit count often.

    A down side (well if you want it to remain unknown) is that EB rosters would allow time zones to be tracked more accurately. (Which would be minimized if only Owner/Admin could see.) And could also possibly cause drama if a player was kicked while sleeping.

    Clans would have to utilize this and plan around time zones and when it's okay to kick, and make their own hit number requirements, sort of like CS requirement. Not a problem with the feature but only how clans use it.
  4. Interesting idea, support :)
  5. I can see how this could be helpful
  6. Great idea! It would be extremely useful for ebs that require almost a full active roster.
  7. Awesome ideas Moon! Full support on this one!
  8. Thanks for the support everyone! I think this would be a great key to larger epic battles. A recent experience with a failed ACC because most of the clan went to bed (many whom had 1 or less unload) really inspired this idea. It should be common courtesy to leave a big EB before going inactive - and this will help admins see those who don't. There's many freeloaders who once they achieve the "Active" status never hit the EB again and still get a chance at drops.
  9. Support!
  10. Good basic idea, however the RL factor hasn't been accounted for. Eg, busy at work and haven't hit eb for an hour, yet a break from work and max xtals can compensate for any "lack" of participation
  11. @-HG-chefbren

    It's made so that the clans will have to come up with their own methods of dealing with people having real life away from KaW, and decide when to kick and when to wait.

    There probably would be a drama increase with "Why was I kicked?" until clans get this down.

    I just thought though, that what if the Epic Battle Roster appears halfway through EB (either by phase or by time) and is updated every 15 min from then out? (Kind of a response to pull up roster at the start of 'X' phase.) That would give players time to join and let the clan get a good feel of activity first.
  12. Sounds cool:)
  13. Support, get rid of freeloaders who only hit 20x an get double drops on long ebs.
  14. Bump, because I've seen people make threads about this recently, but this one is well presented, Support!!
  15. Good idea except the active part by names it already exist but says in epic battle instead only thing
  16. No support until you change the blue to a different color