Kaw Calender

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by BPL-PRINCE-BPL, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. We should have a calender for Kaw specifying dates and special upcoming events or the end of an event.
  2. That is actually a good Idea support
  3. Right now we have forums. It might be strange, however. When scheduling events, you won't always end up with the perfect launch date for it. There would always be a delay, and you can't give an accurate date as to when you'd be able to continue the launch session. It's fine as it is for now.
  4. It would be nice and awesome to have. Support
  5. We are actually working on this right now. It will start with the war schedule but will eventually also show events etc.

  6. Bruv we are waiting.

  7. That would be great and loved the Jan 2016 Calendar (or was that 2015?). Currently information tends to be as it happens, for example new promo just started!

    Surprises are nice, but looking forward to new things is great too.
  8. I think it'd be cool to have a server time too. Instead of using our timezones. It would just make some situations less confusing.