Whats your post count?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moose2, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. ata does indeed want to have more forum mods. They are searching for people so have a deep understanding of the community as well as a very big activity level. Finding forum mods is challenging, however, I suspect there are a few players here that would fit the proper profile . Anyhow, I have nothing official I can offer, but I can tell you that its being looked into.
  2. that is a really good place for it! Nose suggestion! 
  3. Interesting. Thanks for the response :D
  4. Moose, out of curiosity, ATA doesn't run forums, they rent them. So who would update the forums depending on the rightful owner?
  5. I like this idea.I suppose it should be invented as soon as possible.
  6. it works kind of like this...... Sort of........
    I don't own apple, but I own an idevice. My idevice can do some things, such as post img codes and and do HTML.

    My idevice cannot run flash. It will never be able to run flash. Its not in the programming. Also, my idevice cannot run 2 apps at the same time, it will never be able to run 2 apps at the same time.

    I get updates on my idevice that improve it over time, but some things will never ever happen.

    Likewise, ATA controls the phpbb forums, much like I control my iPad. ATA can do certain updates in the phpbb forums, (like displaying post counts on mobile devices) much like I can update my iPad.

    There are some things that ATA will ever be able to do, because the updates you may want (such as a  button) simply are not a part of the phpbb toolbox.

    So, in summary, ATA does not own phpbb, but they do control the forums. ATA can do what ever they wish, so long as the phpbb programming toolbox supports it.

    Hope that clears things up for you
  7. Thank you Moose. And one last thing,

    "Y u no follow me back??"
  8. What's my count 
  9. Moose I support this as it will cut down on the "What's my post count" threads, as you said, and it's a general way of letting people know:
    1) How long you've played and
    2) How active on forums you are.

    I'd also enjoy a "Joined Forum Date" on iDevice, to compare post count to join date.
  10. I like the idea moose.
    For one it will instantly reveal new visitors to the forums for those on a device.

    Poor eric... :(
    Don't hate the troll. Hate the bridge you are walking over.
  11. Post count? Don't give a . Too busy actually playing the game
  12. Forums is part of the game Frog.
  13. Actually moose you can stream flash with a .99 app on iPhone :p. I've never heard ATA take a position on if u are mobile using your phone to run your comp alt through one of these apps.
  14. Lol Rude shhh don't give away our secrets
    (I don't personally have the app but some people I know do)
  15. Every flash patch I have tried had been simply terrible . Maybe your app is different, but I digress....
  16. Yes they suck but I've heard that they are sufficient to dump on ebs. 
  17. Hm seems like a good idea

    I support
  18. Maybe just a stickied thread could be kept for people to request there, i don't think a post count after every post is necessary, i only want to know every once in awhile to see if i should chill out from forums a bit or not o_O
  19. You are a true forum mbr Moose. Enjoy 90% of your threads. Keep going strong and I will read