spy quests

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by In_StEsCoT_SaNe, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. I know many people have has this forum before but here it is again. Please add spy quests because it will rase nobility rates. When your clan is in an ee war you actually have something to do with your spies. When your in an all troop eb or part you can skim your spies so you can get some money while waiting to use your spies.
  2. how will it raise nobility rates? What does that even mean?

    When my clan is in EE, and I am not participating, I just farm away on the BL.

    again, you can skim the BL and make great cash, plus, hitting the BL drives the PvP aspect of this game, so I'd reject the idea of spy quests. There are other ways to use your spies if you're bored
  3. I support spy quest because i want them to happen. Id like to see what the devs come up with for the missions and it would increase my overall pleasure from playing kaw.
  4. @moose
    By raising mobility rates I mean the amount of nobility people can get.
  5. Because currently in one unload I'll be lucky if I even get 1 nobility but with spy quests I'll have a good chance of getting more.
  6. I just want free xtals
  7. so, what this comes down to is
    1. You don't wish to engage in the PvP aspect of KaW


    2. You would like a fast and easy way to get free nobility points.

    Although I understand the desire for free Xtals and nobs, I cannot get behind it. I prefer ideas that will push the SOCIAL aspect of this game. Your Idea does not do this. Your idea, instead, focuses on drawing people away from engaging each other and instead focuses on handing out low effort rewards. Aside from players just getting "free stuff" I fail to see an upside
  8. I would say quests are a down side of being a hansel. Opening quests for spies would make it even, but hansels already have a lot of advantages. Speaking of quests though, I'd like to see more achievements like Completed 1,000 quests, Completed 2,500 quests, Completed 5,000 quests etc. Me being a quest guy, I have always wanted a cool badge like Vanguard or Swindler(not many people have them).
  9. This would be awsome to have spy quests. not only will it make it even for those who cant do quest because of low troop cc. and even just the fact that there would be more quests is cool.
  10. @Moose

    How can we have a Social Aspect to this game as so many people do not like to be attacked and respond with hostility?

    I know that you like to point out faults of everyone surrounding you, while you expect to be 100% supported with your ideas. But your complaints and thoughts are fraught with problems.

    I 100% support spy quests and I hope that they come out.

    I also hope that the Developers learn to respond to the Feedback Button.

    And I hope that you learn that everyone in this game can not be like you. Because we all maintain different personalities. Therefore making us all play the game differently from you and anyone else on this game.

    Thank you.
  11. Hey moose this game is a free game and the dev must consider to those who do not want to fork up real cash for a free game..I 100% support for a spy quest??for what reason moose said its in moose language which I don't understand
  12. When it comes to quests, I believe the devs should do 1 of 2 things. The quest system is so pre historic that it really doesn't belong in this app anymore as it is.

    They need to be either completely revamped to bring them up to date with current builds and economy OR taken out of the game completely and replaced with another system to doll out teaser xtal/nobs which is modern and enticing.
  13. As I hav heard when eb is started, there will be a bar that is only for att but not for spies if only we had spies quest that would be great cos were can skim spies till when the att bar is over...... so I totally 100% support with spies quest!!!!
  14. I SUPPORT SPY QUESTS 100%... U JUST BLEW MY MIND... however what the crap were u saying about the rest, this thread was poorly written
  15. but i dont care about nobility and xtals and all that witch craft and stuff, nobody got time fo dat
  16. Moose is right. If you want quests get attack buildings... No one is making you build guilds... Do the quests then switch. Quit your whining about free nobility and crystals. Spies shouldn't have quests because they have the ability to do EVERYTHING. Attack build may only get gold off players in large amounts per hit... Spies have choices, lower troops, steal, find out their build. Attack can only do one of those which is lower troops. You can do all this as a spy with NO ONE finding out who you are. AND y'all get more per hit of assassinations from the haunting.

    Proof of the haunting statement -
    My plunder is 21.2m per hit without building bonus.
    Each taking around 80 skellies out.

    My assassinations get around 30m a hit because they take out 120 skellies a hit.
  17. I used to wish for spy quest but like moose said we have to look at the bigger picture dev must eat and PvP is not used enough stop complaining for free stuff and really help thé game YOU like by putting $ in or by having better idea to help...that my point by thé way i receive free seal and xtals once un a while and havent pût even a dîme so why complain?
  18. Support. Asked for this for awhile.
  19. I want to add this for thé peep who are scared of beeing hit back in PvP that it pretty easy to find an inactive target from thé hire ally list ... And they never fight back ;)