Disable World chat during War option.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Leti, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Thank you diablo :) I will
  2. Ideally... Chat bar 3 lines wide, disable WC during EE wars, and SPEECH BUBBLE LARGER because I'm sick of visiting the marketplace and my fingers are much larger than a 5 year old girls lol
  3. Total support that chat tab is a bigger pain in the ass than statless alts 
  4. I wish that world chat could be disabled good Idea
  6. Jk not bad idea :eek: needs tweaking for some people
  7. Support to OP idea
  8. BACON  Support
  9. Haha  thanks DR
  10. Awsome idea. U got my SUPPORT
  11. Can I please get a mod to move this thread to the new forum?  I could start a new one there, but this one has lots of support and valid points to it. So I'd like to get it moved over, it possible.  (If anyone knows a mod that can do, please ask them to?)

    Oh and thank you all for your support and ideas.
  12. This is irrelevant. On iDevice, The first part of the bar is your players name, nothing that can help you see something involving war. Not sure on comp or not, but that's what I see.