Bellisms- my daily idea thread- also, make me VK

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by bellemorte, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. So, last night I had a really odd dream that I was back in my hometown, although I didn't recognize it as such until I woke up. It was actually this road that John got lost on and refused to listen to my mother and I on our way to the fireworks display despite the fact that she had lived in this small town her whole life and I had lived there for 18 years. Men. Won't even listen to the locals as the yell to turn around.

    Anyway, do you ever have those weird dreams where people have blurry face? Well, I do.

    So, my blurry faced dream spouse, who was not my real husband and I were going to look at a house for sale or rent or some dream currency.

    When we arrived, the house was extremely dirty and icky and unlivable and there was an old couple who lived there and were obviously being kicked out by the evil well-coifed real estate agent.

    This is when idea #1 spurred, based on the state of the current economy and the housing crisis, which was probably spurred from a conversation it had with jammy the night before. I'll be sending this one to my congressman.

    So- you know how dreams are all weird and stuff? Yeah. So the next thing I know I'm living in the house house with blurry dream husband and up on the hill behind us is The Amityville house. Which will only make sense if you saw the "before" photos of that property John bought.

    Idea #2: I want to paint the 2 upstairs bedrooms that are connected bright purple on the wall with the fireplace to remind me of the devil twins in that jack Nicholson movie The Shining. Also, all work and no play DOES make john a dull boy.

    So- this house has a bunch of blurry people and then out walks Brad Pitt a la Fight Club. And we apparently take morning jobs and his wife is blonde and has comb over bangs that would look terrible on me but reminds me of John's oldest son's girlfriend except less munchkin-like.

    Anyway, Fight Club Brad tried to set me up with some guy and I was pissed off because I was married to blurry man and then I woke up.

    I think Fight Club Brad ran an escort service and was trying to pimp me out.

    Idea #3: escort services for ginger teenage boys who waited too long to ask their crush to go and also, sometimes wear drag.

    Thank you. Have a lovely day.
  2. Jogs. We take jogs
  3. WTF
    Are you high?

  4. WOW you took Ideas to a whole new extreme in this dream no one cares about...
  5. Support. Not to the thread, but to the title. #BelleVK
  6. No. I don't take drugs. But, any new forum section must be christened.
  7. You know this is exactly the kind of crap the devs didnt want posted here? im pretty sure they want ideas for the game... No comprende
  8. I remember this one band camp....
  9. Moving to Fan Fiction, seemed the most appropriate....
  10. #BelleForVK
    And was it slender man?
  11. Is it me, or is KaW unusually active today?

    And by active, I mean not a dev Bot posting...