Use of bronze bars Based on Smithing - Per moose request

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Wintern0va, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    Fully support this, sounds very. Poster used hi head. Hopefully devs monitor this
  2. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    I support this as well. Gives us something else to do besides the same eb action. Or war action, hell even osw action.  great post. Hope something develops outta this.
  3. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    Yes I did use my head
  4. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

  5. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    Best idea I've seen all week. Support.
  6. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    Only all week
  7. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    This is not a bad idea, it could be a useful way for the devs to make a bit of extra money too as it will give people even more of an excuse to join EE wars which will mean more crystal purchases. I like the idea of being able to create your own equipment as when you are a smaller build it can be hard to get into larger clans to gain the better equipment. Support.

  8. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    Absolutely farmer, this isn't about closing the gap between large and small, but giving the opportunity of a small player being able to do the same thing as a larger player (at less cost and less stats) but still the same thing. Large and small difference now is hitting TFO or TSG... There is no closing that gap without cash, or ALOT of in game time.
  9. Re: Use of bronze bars and on - Per moose request

    Mods move this to the Ideas section for the forums please 
  10. Bump for the Update Section
  11. moving to the ideas "Featured requests" forum
  12. I like the idea 
  13. Great ideas... So we can get a BIG variety of new equips
  14. Support, great ideas, it should implement a BIG variety of equips and spells u can create
  15. I need more than seems cool...Give me what you like or dont like so i can have variations or more updates than i currently do...
  16. I like this idea i have only one problem. How will you allow the people who do not war to buy the required amount of mith to get the second best equipment next to EE equipment if they just play to hit eb's. If you have a solution for that this would be an awsome idea.
  17. Firstly EBs drop These items (TSG) and secondly this is a war game, it costs mith to upgrade items now... It's called making people war to get better items and making all things part of the game... This requires not only EBs but EEs and wars... So it includes all aspects...
  18. Check for additions in the update section sometime this weekend
  19. Addition coming soon - Possible idea of a merger of Mooses market idea into this somehow... Will work out details later
  20. So turn KaW into RuneScape?