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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Lmao damn Naomi, your just a baby but you have so much attitude on here 
  2. How do all of you grown men feel that have had your ass handed to you by Naomi on here, it was a 16 year old girl lighting you up 
  3. Deal with it
  4. This thread deserves best of.
  5. Naomi can eat my cookies anyday..
  6. Ok that's a little bit creepy exvee.
  7. 16? Try 23 lol
  8. 16? Try 23 lol
  9. All these guys are drooling over you Naomi. LOL!
  10. How?

    I said she can eat my grandmas freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
  11. She cute and innocent looking yet farms the **** out of people, I'm in love 
  12. ^ Chill out. She's just a pretty 16 year old. D
  13. Disregard the D

  14. Can't tell if that was on purpose...
  15. I would post a picture of myself, but there are so many versions of me. In fact, I am right behind each and every one of you right now.
  16. Not if i'm sitting down ;)
  17. Nope, still there even if you sit.