Discussion in 'Wars' started by B_aGoatSalesman, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Strip em if everything they have!! osw all the way
  2. Naomi all I hear from u is blah blah blah, it's a game, grow up, I'm here to talk to my friends, I don't care who is bigger build and who can farm who, grow up naomi
  3. My I.Q. Decreased by about 60 points reading this thread.
    - Nick 
  4. Lol nick. This thread is interesting... Kinda like watching midgets wrestle.

    Oops. Sorry. I meant "little people"
  5. i support the strong,,, winning team hv my vote.... hiya 
  6. Only 200b?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. FIGHT OF THE NOOBS! YAY! :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. if the clan you're in is your home clan ... I'll be the last person to pity you ... as it's owned by a backstabber who had been my most trusted mate for many many months b4 I made my biggest mistake in KAW ...
    creating "Guardians of the Galaxy" (which wasn't the mistake yet) and trusting it to current owner (which was fatal in MANY ways!) to protect all my mates from getting involved in so called "osw"s...
  9. Well atleast you had the balls to use your main assassin :L
  10. I'm ALWAYS posting AND fighting with my main only ... but I doubt that anyone (OP included) in my lost clan is or will be that encoraged or honest ever ... and I do know that for sure by now ...
  11. Wow. I don't even...

  12. Only 200B? . Try 6.2T like I had last summer a year ago from LB mbr and clan. Go OS. It was a fun 3 days before a nap took me in.
  13. ... "drinking"? ... is allowed to adults ... I am adult like many others in here ... what about you? ... got probs? ...
  14. Lol why do u use so many periods
    24/7 drunk?
  15. I don't use alkohol at all ... ask those who may do ... ask degast for example ...
  16. Why do u ... period... so.... much.... ???
  17. lol ancienne
  18. We will destroy you op