Disable World chat during War option.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Leti, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Thanks clannies 
  2. Seems pretty beast.

  3. What an awesome idea. I fully Suport. Would make cc easyer to read in war. !!SUPORT!!
  4. Thank you guys 
  5. BACON and support
  6. Support 101%
  7. 101% reminded me of those chicks at Maury
    "I'm 101% sure!" 
  8. I think we should have the option to disable the world chat and only focus on clan chat during war. I support the idea of 100 percent.
  9. Agreed would be a nice feature, support, though the devs probably have their hands full with EE atm.
  10. Well I agree 102%
  11. Good stuff 
  12. Much support during war time