Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. By top percent, I guess you're asking what the highest percentage you can get back is. If you've held an ally for at least 15 days, you get back the max amount of 60%.
  2. You can post the same message up to 2 times in 5 minutes. More than that is considered spamming and you'll (probably) be silenced for it.
  3. The first day drop percentage, i.e. you have owned for less than 24 hours from last hire, is at 4.5% OF THE 60%.
  4. Horn of Calydor.. which Epic battles. It's dropping that item.. I have been on vacation for a few days it looks like I missed it.. GREAT GAME BY THE WAY.. I LOVE IT.. TNX. ;-)
  5. Warbeasts I believe.
  6. How far did the Disciple of Shadow have to travel to talk to the Rime elf?
  7. If I upgrade my T5 balanced attack build to
    Lv. 3 will I lose the extra hit?
  8. No, you will not lose the extra attack.
  9. Alright all you Rich LB players does t6l3 drop plunder again or does it raise it?? :?:
  10. Will probably drop it but not by much.
  11. Yes Zach, with lv2 you get 2 extra hits but at lv3 only one.
  12. Probably raise, but the strength may drop your plunder on some ebs or players.
  13. Ok so how do I get ppl to test me to war I never warred but then again no good clan is accepting ppl the is new to the EE and if I join a clan that is fool of wc bandits and lose it looks bad on my stats so what could I do to get on a good team any one have any tips ???
  14. That* full* lol
  15. Have good stats (if not a guild hansel then an attack build with spy towers), a good BFA and a lot of equipment
  16. Every top lb ee clan I asked said no eb equipment which sucks cuz if I can war I can't get the other equipment
  17. How do I get equipment?
  18. Can anybody tell me why I can't post on law admin forums on this account or my main it does my head in
  19. Go to a forum section and click there threads, you will be able to reply