Thx a great idea I would like to nominate Raini she has helped me to where I am today all ways helps and gos that extra mile for anyone who asks what else can I say thx Raini
I nominate llsed_mousyc_sedll she's a great clan owner helpful to all who need it keeps cc going has been here for long time and helped to grow many players plus a all around great person
Mott - An excellent player. Always willing to offer advice, and to mentor less experienced players. Mott has a great amount of tact in resolving disagreements, and shows great respect to other players. Mott is fearless when needed, but uses good judgement to avoid recklessness.
Mott IS the MOST Valiant Knight. The fact I'm having to nominate him is dumbfounding. Give him the achievement already, he deserves recodnition.
I vote for myself, cuz yeah... I'm obviously NOT a troll pretending to be helpful Do I even succeed at being helpful? I have certainly farmed enough noobs and taught them a lesson or 2
please consider lllIIIlllPhoenixlllIIIllll for this award. they have been very helpful to all of us newbs in my alliance. teaching us about allies, what buildings to build, volleying the newbs(me) and answering lots and lots of questions. pull his records and you will see he really does deserve this award. thank you for your consideration.
please consider lllIIIlllPhoenixlllIIIllll for this award. they have been very helpful to all of us newbs in my alliance. teaching us about allies, what buildings to build, volleying the newbs(me) and answering lots and lots of questions. pull his records and you will see he really does deserve this award. thank you for your consideration.
I nominate LIFE(Hercules) as a valiant knight. He's a great player and has contributed much to the KaW-munity. He is very helpful and taught me almost all I know about KaW forums.
Panadgeorge: for his selfless service in making DL- that we might weed out the bums who spoil the game for everyone
I nominate Bellemorte. She's very helpful, patient, a great teacher and deserves it. I learned a lot about build mechanics from her, as have many who read her guide on forums. She is a great teacher in the art and science of OSW. She stands her ground when it comes to protecting and fighting for her clan members.