Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. We want spy quests!!!!! There's been attack quests, so why aren't there spy quests???
  2. I wish they'd add a new quest achievement too
  3. No support.
  4. Always the attack builds that don't support 
  5. Just saw kaw_admin posted on previous page, there may be hope!!!!
  6. Not really. There's spy builds not supporting, and attack builds that are supporting.
  7. Ultimate question is - is there a point to having them? If they're similar to the troop quests, why bother? They're only done for the xstal drops and nob farming. Unless a new aspect to them, or they pay a ton better, they'll just sit and gather dust.
  8. I can see a point to them, good way to burn spies during Ebs that have attack only phases in them, if they drop a few xtals and nob would be cool
  9. Support
  10. Support and for those saying it would be unfair well everyone has spies. I have a hard time hitting atk quests but I still do it. If they made spy quests you could still get xstals by using your spies even if yiu have trouble. Seems pretty fair to me. Also adding the quests in wouldn't make any particular build more powerful. That's just my opinion even if I doubt this will happen. Good luck to those supporters!
  11. Support not gonna happen tho
  12. Want it but i dont think its a good idea
  14. Yes please! We need spy quests!
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