update so we can update Tier 4 to T6

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by knockonheavensdoor_1967, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Doesn't mean it's a good thing Dragon. Most LBers are a bit stupid in the brain, or English is not their first language. You can see when one of said two types of people posts on forums, it makes them look stupid and hated.

    There's a certain person who takes the cake on this one, quits once every 2 months, declares war on half of KaW yada yada yada.
  2. Why not t5 on LL? I would support that... Not t6 on HL and LL in one update... They don't even have level3 out lol
  3. ^ Pretty much sums it up.
  4. T5 on low lands support 
  5. Noooo I decided to replace SDT with guilds for money. Now I finally decided to stop waiting for t5 lowlands. And am putting SoS...wait please xD
  6. When land is developed you set covenants on it.

    HF is the high priced fancy new subdivision of Kaw.

    You don't build a mansion in the ghetto:)
  7. Agreed with Grammar Unicorn and IGCB.
    Most of these LB'ers seem surprisingly... Illiterate for this game.
  8. Don't mean to be a grammar nazi, but you cannot describe a number by using the word "amount". You must instead replace that word by "number" to make it correct.
    I hate it how so many people make that mistake :(
  9. Damn, sometimes I can be a real troll :/

    Ah, what the hell :lol:
  10. I can sing and u cant
  11. I LOVE YOU
  12. What's the point of the t6 on lowlands?

    For a change I'm not trolling. I am just curious of your reasoning.
  13. Well GaW is still on same mainlands with tier 4 for over a year now. So at least you guys CAN upgrade.
  14. Yeah, I'm with shifter. Please don't complain about KaW not having updates. Us GaWers are bored as hell
  15. I understand how you get bored of not growing. But if you could do this, it would make the bigger players even bigger, and that would put down the difficulty of eb's alot. It would make kaw a bit too easy