Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Two Allies Left.
  2. Buy my smaller allies.
  3. I have an 89b ally on sale, hes active:)
  4. Alexxxr he is an attack bfa allie
  5. got scammed from wc, hire shotstar2 please, only 5 bil
  6. My allies
  7. An Album daily...470 bill...CS around 11.5 mill and growing...attack build.
  8. Hire nunor
  9. Hire nunor
  10. 37 bil ally, very active, currently 760k cs
  11. huck333 & ZomBait Both active weekly,though they don't have clans so if you wanan wall them some Im sure they'll be happy to join! huck333 is 17b and Zombait is almost 13b :mrgreen:
  12. guardian of darkness
    att- 1,397,000 satt-192,000
    def-1,390,000 sdef-192,000

    only 6k+ battles so groing fast n active
    need to free up this cash am willing to buy back in around 5 days if u want would actually prefer this as he is a mates alt and want back but will let go if u want

    125 bill
  13. High active GH for sale
  14. My owner said he'll buy some of my junk allies if I get hired from him. Please hire me or just hire MY allies lol
  15. Cool thread ill keep an eye on this
  16.  Active ally : coltralliartversionR for sale 
  17. All active allies for sale,105B,125B and all