can someone pls help:(

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SuperFatGazLeader, Aug 30, 2013.

  1.  Mickey lives on in a select few of us.
  2. Mickey-the one and only master of scamming
  3. Mickey that bastard :lol:
    Scammed me and I had a hard time warning others of him since he just followed and finished within 5 minutes.
  4. Followed and finished in 5 minutes. Such a ladies man. Lol
  5. little quick to finish
  6. There a lot of good points on this thread. Being scammed sucks but it happens. Has happened to me and I had myself a new perm farm. :) but anyways looks like Fate taught you a valuable lesson. Best of luck too you. Happy KaWing.
  7. OP, ignore fate.

    By the way, the only people we can blame is you. You got the choice to volley , it's your responsibility, not our.
  8. FATE, here is a signature you may need to start using.
  9. Welcome to KaW... 
  10. Dude. U made a mistake. Even iv done that. Only volley if u now the persons not fing with u
  11. Post the name of the ally to my wall, OP. I can hire them off you. That way, lesson learned and no harm done. You'll even make a profit. Sure, scamming isn't against the rules, but I'm with you OP because no rule against does not justify being a jerk 
  12. aww ain't that cute
  13. Its ok thanks tho its already fixed im glad someone helped and i understand it was my fault, fate it was clever and so now im gunna go scam people im sure u make tons of money haha, it was a fun learning lesson
  14. Wow u never volley with someone from worms/warts now u learned your lesson
  15. Wow paragon the mature hires the **** ally and then OP starts scamming people :lol:
  16. Hey op wanna help me volley my allies?