oG Alliance Please Read.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DreadLSA, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Wow.

    No, Omega is the one being the respectful leader here.

    I'll give the one who guesses this right a bag of pure cheese...for your whine.
  2. Can I guess it willy?
  3. Hey willy. Here is a quarter. Kaw someone who cares. Funny claiming loooookatme. Yet 3 posts on a thread that has nothing to do with you. Or does it?
  4. I care about willy
  5. How bout we guess this one .... willy the d.. well got first letter right but its not deuce heres a clue it ends in ick.
  6. Drumstick? Dropkick? Derrick?
  7. [​IMG]
  8. Lol support to my old chum willy

    As for og beating your chests over a alliance winning a war against a clan I guess welldone guys u really showed them who's boss.

    Kingdoms at war after all
  9. *that awkward when somebody thinks somebody else is getting insulted, but its really them thats being laughed at*
  10. Does this really need to keep going? For once, can the actions just do the talking? If this war is so serious i'm sure Philosopher will make a thread. Let's all just take it to the attack and spy buttons. Honestly.
  11. Good choice, LSA are a bunch of wanna bes
  12. Omega lsa I told u boy I would bring u and your garbage of a clan that preys on the week down and crush u to crop dust u did not want to beleave well I've helped to destroy u and your ignorant clan and will continue to hit u till u commit suicide
  13. Hmmm. Harsh much? ^
  14. Suicide is not a jokig matter either. -__- wth is going on? Really? Crap like that everywhere I look
  15. Omega lsa u no me better as feedmemoor I've been fighting u and your clan for 6 mounths never did I ask for help I just made more alts to kick your teeth in and kindly waite for u to overstep your bounds and look at u now u can't even hit an eb now to save your life ha ha ha how does it feel omega to be the victim ah the sweet bless of it all.
  16. Hmmm so projects u wanna run your hole u better shut it right now u no nothing bout nothing do not reply to nothing I post about omega got it
  17. Come at me bud. Please. Hit me.

    Or get over yourself? Ya thats a really good idea. SUICIDE IS ⇨NOT⇦ A JOKING MATTER
  18. I dont care if its about Omega. I dont care if its about my pet cat. I dont care if its about my brother or sister. It isnt a joking matter.